Worthy Matron, Merry Beth Vargo, 330-538-4000,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,
Secretary, Janet Baumann, 234-421-5931,

This is the month for picnics;  The Chapter members will be joining in the annual Liberty Complex Picnic on Saturday, August 5th from 4 to 6 pm  at the Mohn Pavilion on the Complex grounds.  Meat, corn, beverages, and table service will be furnished.  Members are asked to being a covered dish for sharing,  Fun and fellowship for all is being planned.  The Chapter has been invited to Opal Chapter’s Picnic  on Thursday, August 10th from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Cortland Conservation Club.  Guests are asked to bring a covered dish for passing, with meat and beverages being furnished.  No reservations are needed for either of these events.

The Chapter’s next stated meeting will be on August 16th at 7:30 pm.  The protem initiation previously scheduled for this meeting is being canceled and will be re-scheduled for a future meeting, the date to be announced  A committee of Grand Chapter officers will be special guests. Hostess for the refreshments to follow the meeting is Chris Hanna.

Good wishes to our  Chaplain Joe Tufaro who is now recuperating at home but continuing to be wheelchair bound.  Other Chapter members have various health problems, and we hope they all will soon be well.

Janet Baumann, Secretary