Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJWorthy High Priestess: Claudia York Phone: (330) 889-6029 Email: claudiamom@gmail.comWatchman of Shepherds: Robert Gorman (330) 307-8538 Roberthgorman@gmail.comWorthy Scribe: Roxanne York Phone: 330-240-5116 Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.comMeetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August Our February meeting celebrated Valentine’s Day and we listened to a presentation on our Material Objective philanthropy.  Our next meeting will be March 24th at 7:30 pm and will be Reports, Elections, &


W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for GirlsStated Meetings: 2nd & 4th Sundays 2:00 pm Warren Masonic Templewww.mastermason.com/WFarmington116Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.comWorthy Advisor: Miss Alyssa C. Thank you to everyone who purchased Superbowl subs to help us get to Grand Assembly this summer.  Your support of our Assembly is appreciated!  Our February meeting was full of Valentine’s, candy, games, and crafts.  We made homemade


SUNRISE CHAPTER, OESThe AOC meeting on March 1 has been changed to Miriam Chapter.  No line officers’ meetings.  AOC meeting at 10 am with no lunch provided. A mock initiation will be at our stated meeting March 19 at 7:30 to prepare for inspection.  Please try to attend. Let’s start bringing in our charity donations for A Safe Place at our March meeting.  Please refer to your list for March

BETHEL #49 – MARCH 2025

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!So, how’ve you been?  Good to hear!  We’re doing just great as well!  Thanks for asking! Wondering what exciting adventures we have planned for this month?  Well, hold onto your socks, because this is one action-packed month!  Hopefully everyone can join us for our many adventures as we go ‘in like a lion and out like a lamb’ this month! Sunday, March 2: Job’s Daughters meeting


Progress Court #22 Order of the AmaranthStated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complexwww.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22Royal Matron: Leigh Faustyn (330) 881-1499 twinetune1@yahoo.comRoyal Patron: James Lovelace 330-388-7168 james.lovelace@davey.comSecretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Our Court is pleased to welcome our newest member, Ms. Jennifer Caulk – Supreme Worthy High Priestess of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, who joined at a special Valentine’s meeting!  Thank you to Claudia & Roxanne