Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth
Stated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex
Royal Matron: Leigh Faustyn (330) 881-1499
Royal Patron: James Lovelace 330-388-7168
Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116
We are so thrilled to welcome our newest member, Glenn Brugler into our Court. We had a lovely, covered dish Christmas dinner and gift exchange prior to our advance night meeting. Our Royal Matron has called a special meeting on February 13, 2025, at 7:30 pm for the purpose of initiating our two other candidates. We hope you will be able to come out and welcome them into our Court. We also voted to move our refreshment time to 6:30 pm permanently, so make sure to stop out at 6:30 pm for dinner prior to all of our meetings going forward. Speaking of dinner, since we are dark during the month of January, instead of coming to a meeting, please join us at Niles Texas Roadhouse for our dine-to-donate fundraiser. Bring the attached flyer to show to your server and Progress Court will receive 10% of your bill (excluding alcoholic purchases).
Jan 25th will be our annual drive through soup kitchen to benefit the Ohio Masonic Home and the Grand Court Youth Scholarship fund. $5 per person for soup, crackers, dessert, and bottle of water. 3-5 pm at the Liberty Masonic Complex – just drive up to the back door to order!
Upcoming Events:
Jan 9th – Dine-to-Donate Niles TX Roadhouse 3-10 pm
Jan 25th – Drive through Soup Kitchen 3-5 pm LMC $5pp
Feb 13th – Initiation Meeting 7:30 pm (dinner 6:30pm)