WM,  Merry Beth Vargo, 330-559-4815 ,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,

This newsletter covers  August 2024
As most everyone knows our Secretary of nearly 14 years, Janet Baumann passed away on July 14th.  She was laid to rest on July 22nd   A memorial service was given by Sunrise members.  Janet will be and is missed.  

We also lost another member, Joyce Glover.  I believe she was a Past Worthy Matron too.  

Joe Tufaro is hoping to go home eventually. He is currently in a nursing/rehab facility.   Mary Tufaro is in hospice while staying with her daughter, Dena and husband, Mark.  George McClelland continues treatments . 

As for the chapter, we are getting reorganized.  Our Treasurer had resigned and with the death of Janet we were left in limbo.  I appointed Rachel Ann Tupper as Treasurer and Linda Arens as Secretary to serve until Installation on November 23.  Then we had an election for both offices.  Rachel Ann & Linda accepted the position for the next year.  Jim Lovelace was elected to serve and accepted to be WP.  

Our dues notices have been sent to all members at the addresses provided by Grand Chapter.  I have only received 2 back so far.  Those members were researched and found.   If you have not received an envelope, you can contact me, Merry Beth Vargo, current WM. 

Grand Chapter will be held at the end of September.  Merry Beth and John Vargo will be attending.  

Our Installation of Officers will be held November 23 at 2 pm.  Plan to join us as Chris Hanna becomes Worthy Matron.
Sunrise Chapter #458
Merry Beth Vargo, Worthy Matron