Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth
Stated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex
Royal Matron: Leigh Faustyn (330) 881-1499
Royal Patron: James Lovelace 330-388-7168
Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116
Our Court was so proud of our Grand Royal Patron, James Lovelace and all of the Grand Officers at our Grand Court Session. Congratulations to the following Grand Officers selected from Progress Court for 2024-2025: Joy Leavy – Grand Royal Matron, Stephanie Uber – Grand Marshal, Roxanne York – Grand Marshal in the East, Claudia York – Grand Marshal in the West, Jack Ranck – Grand Sword Bearer, Lynn Clark – Grand Rep to KY, Nancy Kirkpatrick – Gr Rep. to MO, Leigh Faustyn – DGRM to Faith Court, & Robert Gorman – AGL to Faith Court. Our May meeting was Memorial for Sue Leeper & Mary Colette Chuey. They will remain Sweet in our Memory. Our June meeting will be our Friendship night and annual strawberry social. Don’t forget your gifts for co-workers and $5 for the strawberries!
Upcoming Events:
6/7 – Temple Ct Inspection 7:30 pm N. Olmsted
6/13 – Stated Meeting 7:30 pm Friendship Night; refreshments coordinated by Stephanie & Norma
6/18 – Akron Court Friendship Night 7:30 pm
6/21 – Temple Court OV 7:30 pm N. Olmsted

Amaranth Grand Court pictures