Thank you to everyone who purchased evergreens, or TX Roadhouse gift cards. Congratulations to our Chili Cook off winners! Hot – Robert Gorman, Medium – Stephanie Uber, & Mild – Lee Clark. Thank you to all who donated, participated, and attended. We are winding down our year, but we have several activities to get you in the Christmas spirit coming up! We are excited to have our Advance night initiation and welcoming new members at our next meeting. Hope to see you soon.
Upcoming Events:
12/3 Grand Court Christmas party & Charity Basket auction 3 pm, N. Olmsted Masonic Temple, evergreen delivery
12/10 Liberty Masonic Complex Temple-wide Christmas party 3-5 pm
12/10 Practice for Advance Night 6 pm
12/14 Covered Dish Christmas party & $5 gift exchange 6:30 pm: Advance Night initiation meeting 7:30 pm
1/11 TX Roadhouse Dine-to-donate Fundraiser 3-10 pm Niles TX Roadhouse
1/28 Drive Through Soup Kitchen for Grand Court Charities 4-6 pm $5 per person

Amaranth food donations for the Rescue Mission.

Chili Cook-Off Winners!