W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
Stated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00am West Farmington Masonic Temple
Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com
Worthy Advisor:
W. Farmington Assembly had a great October! We hosted our annual Halloween party and visited Kuchta Farms Corn Maze & Adventure Zone. We are planning a month of service for November. We will be making cards for our military at our Nov 4th meeting as well as donating canned goods for the Warren Rescue Mission. We are still collecting wish list items and donations for our 1st responders care packages. We will be celebrating Iris Pledge Group’s 20th anniversary with a birthday party at our meeting as well. Grand Cross Holders don’t forget to RSVP for our annual Mystic Banquet on Nov 12th! If you know a girl between the ages of 6 & 19 who is interested in being a member, please contact our Mother Advisor for more information. Our Assembly is looking for willing adults to be on our Advisory Board. Please let us know if you are interested.
November Events:
11/3 – Adv Bd 6:30 pm
11/4 – Rainbow Stated Meeting 10 am; Pledge 11:30 am; Iris’ Birthday Party 12-2 pm; Making cards for the military; p. roll delivery; please bring canned goods Mission. Mission.
11/12 – Mystic Banquet & Bread Service for Masters of the Grand Cross of Color 3 pm Cortland Masonic Temple $15pp RSVP to Beth Hartman by Nov 9th.
11/12 – Youth Protection Policy Seminar 5 pm, Cortland Masonic Temple
11/18 – Rainbow Stated Mtg 10 am; Southern Grand Reception 4 pm, Xenia
11/26 – Cortland Lodge Youth Bowling event 2-4 pm.

W. Farmington Rainbow Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Enjoying the Corn Maze