Worthy Matron  Merry BethVargo, 330-538-4000,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,
Secretary, Janet Baumann, 234-421-5931,

The Chapter started the month of November with Installation of Officers on November 1st.  Worthy Matron Merry Beth Vargo and Worthy Patron Alan Burton, along with other elected and appointed officers were installed.  The Installing Officers were Roxanne York, Shawn Woods, Rachel Ann Tupper and Mari Jane Stone, all members of Opal Chapter in Cortland.  John Vargo served as Host in the East.  A Western theme has been selected for the year with Cowgirls and Cowboys, the Wild Eastern Gang, featuring colorful bandanas and sunflowers.  The service  project for the year will be collecting kitchen and bathroom items, to be donated to needy in the area. 

On Saturday, November 4th the Chapter hosted the monthly AOC meeting.

A stated meeting will be held on November 15th and will include honoring the star-point officers.  Lunch following that meeting will be hosted by Lucille Boles and Sue Boles.

Members learned that the children’s toys, collected by the Chapter as a service project last year, were recently delivered to the Trumbull County Salvation Army to assist in their project of providing Christmas toys for over 1700 needy children in the area.

Get well wishes continue for Joseph Tufaro who is wheelchair- bound awaiting two surgeries, and to Mary Tufaro and Margaret Best who have been hospital patients.
Janet Baumann, Secretary