Thank you to everyone who attended our inspection. Welcome to our newest member, Patti Wentworth! Don’t forget our Official Visitation is Thursday, Oct 12th at 7:30 pm, with a $10 per person dinner at 6:30 pm. We will also be starting our TX Roadhouse gift card fundraiser at that time. Money & Orders will be due at our November meeting. Please mark your calendars for the annual chili cook off to be held on Sunday, Nov 19th from 3-6 pm. We hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events:
10/6 – Faith Court OV 7:30 pm
10/12 – Official Visit 7:30 pm; dinner 6:30 pm
10/13 – Royal Court OV 7:30pm Ashland
10/14 – Imperial Court OV & Miami Valley Merger 2 pm Middletown
10/17 – Akron Court Inspection 7:30 pm Old Portage Masonic Temple
Progress Court #28 welcomes its newest member, Patti Wentworth, at its annual inspection. Pictured below is Leigh Faustyn, Royal Matron (pro tem), Patti Wentworth, and Jack Ranck, Royal Patron.