Progress Court #22 Order of the Amaranth
Stated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Liberty Masonic Complex
Royal Matron (protem): Leigh Altier (330) 881-1499
Royal Patron: Jack Ranck (330) 766-9080
Secretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116
Welcome back to Court! Our September meeting is our inspection, and we have a candidate! We hope that you will come to the meeting to greet and welcome her. Covered dish dinner at 6:30 pm. Court provides meat, buns, & beverages. Please bring a dish to pass. Strombolis and mums will be delivered that evening. Ohio Grand Court will once again be selling evergreens. Money and orders due at our October meeting. Our OV is scheduled for Oct 12th with a pasta dinner at 6:30 pm., $10 pp. Please contact Secretary, Roxanne York, to get your reservations in before October 1st. We will also be starting our TX Roadhouse gift card fundraiser at that time. Money & Orders will be due at our November meeting. Please mark your calendars for the annual chili cook off to be held on Sunday, Nov 19th from 3-6 pm. We hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events:
9/10 – Inspection Practice 6 pm LMC
9/13 – Zane Ct OV 7:30pm
9/14 – Progress Ct Inspection 6:30 pm dinner; 7:30 pm meeting
9/15 – Temple Ct initiation 7:30 pm N. Olmsted
9/16 – Faith Court inspection 10 am Salem
10/6 – Faith Court OV 7:30 pm

Amaranth Bus Trip to Roscoe Village

Amaranth/White Shrine Joint Picnic