W. Farmington Assembly #116 International Order of the Rainbow for GirlsStated Meetings 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10:00am West Farmington Masonic Templewww.mastermason.com/WFarmington116Mother Advisor: Roxanne E. York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.comWorthy Advisor: W. Farmington Assembly is getting ready for Ohio Grand Assembly!  Our scrapbook is done, our mascots purchased, our door decorations are almost finished.  We are looking forward to seeing what the new year will bring us and we want to share


Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJWorthy High Priestess: Debra WolffPhone: (330) 330-626-3015Email: debmwolff@aol.comWorthy Scribe: Roxanne YorkPhone: 330-240-5116Email: Roxanne44@yahoo.comMeetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August Meetings are coming to a close for summer, but the fun is just getting started!  Mark your calendars for our joint family picnic with Progress Court #22 Order of Amaranth 4 pm @ the Liberty Masonic Complex (1350 Shannon Rd, Girard).  Please invite friends,


Progress Court #22 Order of the AmaranthStated Meetings 2nd Thursday 7:30pm Liberty Masonic Complexwww.mastermason.com/ProgressCourt22Royal Matron (protem): Leigh Altier (330) 881-1499 twinetune1@yahoo.comRoyal Patron: Jack Ranck (330) 766-9080 jsranck@neo.rr.comSecretary: Roxanne York (330) 240-5116 Roxanne44@yahoo.com Our July meeting will be our awards night meeting.  Congratulations to H.L. Roxanne York who will be receiving her 25-year pin.  All petitions for inspection need to be turned in by this meeting.  Don’t forget to mark your

BETHEL #49 – JULY 2023

Greetings Masonic Family and Friends!Can you believe it is July already?!  Seriously!  Where did half a year go so soon?!  Are you staying indoors and out of the smoke?  We hope so!  We don’t want anything to happen to you because you would miss all of the fun!  Want to know what we have been up to and what we are going to be doing this month?  Well, let’s talk