Progress Court is very excited and pleased to announce the following Grand Officers from our Court for the ensuing year: Grand Royal Patron – SK Jim Lovelace, Gr Assoc Matron – HL Joy Leavy, Gr Prelate – HL Stephanie Uber, Gr Standard Bearer – HL Claudia York, Gr Marshal in the East – HL Roxanne York, Grand Sword Bearer – SK Jack Ranck, Gr Rep to KY – HL Lynn Clark & Gr Rep to PA – HL Leigh Altier.
Our June meeting will be our Friendship Night and a Strawberry Social Extravaganza $5 per person. Please contact HL Stephanie to let her know what delectable strawberry food you will bring. Don’t forget to bring small gifts for your co-workers. All petitions for inspection need to be turned in by the July meeting. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our wine trip & bus tour Aug 26th. More info to come!
Upcoming Events:
6/8 – Stated Meeting: Friendship Night & Strawberry Social 7:30 pm
6/10 – Nautica Queen Dinner Cruise 11 am Cleveland
6/17 – Grand Court Spaghetti Dinner 4-7 pm, N. Olmsted Masonic Temple
Want to know how you can get in on the fun and join our Court? Contact our Secretary to request a petition today!
Ohio Grand Court of Officers

GRP James Lovelace and GRM Karol Dalton