Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ
Worthy High Priestess: Debra Wolff
Phone: (330) 330-626-3015
Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York
Phone: 330-240-5116
Meetings are 4th Monday of the month, except July & August
Our Installation was a success, and the officers are ready to start a new year of fellowship and service. We hope that you will join us at all of our meetings and activities. Mark your calendars now and make plans to attend our inspection by the SWHP on Friday, September 29, 2023, at 7:30 pm. Trinity Shrine is hosting at the Warren Masonic Temple and there will be a dinner at 6 pm prior.
Upcoming Events:
May 1-2nd – Supreme Shrine Session Lexington, KY
May 22nd – Stated Meeting 7:30 pm (everyone bring picnic items to share)