Worthy Matron  Merry Beth Vargo, 330-538-4000,
Worthy Patron, Alan Burton, 330-898-5018,
Secretary, Janet Baumann, 234-421-5931,

At our April stated meeting our Organist Margaret Best received her 50-year membership pin, presented by her daughters, Meghan Schmidbauer and MollyLin Britt.  Mildred Beck and Margaret Best hosted the lunch following the meeting.

An initiation practice by the officers is planned for Tuesday, May 16th at 7:30 pm  The annual Inspection of the Chapter will take place at the May stated meeting on May 17th, with the Worthy Grand Patron Rick Miller as the Inspecting Officer.  A dinner for the dignitaries, officers, members, and any guests is scheduled for 4:30 pm at Georgios Restaurant.  Merry Beth Vargo is in charge of arrangements for the lunch which will follow the meeting.

Get well wishes are extended to Colette Chuey recently hospitalized for surgery.  Sympathy of the Chapter is extended to Alan and Lucille Boles and Sue Boles on the recent passing of Paula Boles Gonsalves.  Our four-chapter members with the longest years of membership in the chapter are currently celebrating special birthdays: Colette Chuey, 90 years on April 24th; Janet Baumann, 90 years on May 1st; Donna McWilliams, 95 years on May 19th and Ruth Kaulback, 100 years on June 8th.  Also celebrating April birthdays are Alan Burton, George McClelland, Joseph Tufaro, and John Vargo.  Happy Birthday wishes to these sisters and brothers.  Wedding bells for Dena Tufaro and Mark Caughey will be ringing on May 20th.  Congratulations and best wishes to them.
Janet Baumann, Secretary