Upcoming Events:
Our vote has been finalized and our next stated meeting will be Thursday, March 9th at 7:30 pm. It will be our Elections & Farewells. Thank you to everyone who has participated in all of our recent fundraisers. We will again be sponsoring our very successful drive thru soup kitchen to benefit the Ohio Masonic Home and Youth Scholarship funds. $5 for your choice of soup, crackers, dessert, and water, Sunday, January 29th from 4-6 pm at the LMC. Stop on out and see us. Help us to support Scholarship Chairman, Stephanie Uber raise money for this important charity!
Upcoming Events:
Jan 29th – Soup Kitchen Drive-thru 4-6 pm LMC $5 per person
Mar 9th – Elections & Farewells Stated Meeting 7:30 pm
Mar 25th – Installation of Officers 2 pm (set-up & practice 12 pm)