Merry Christmas!
Progress Court is ready for the holiday season! Our next stated meeting will be Dec 14th at 7:30 pm. It will be our Advance Night initiation and voting on our meeting date change at 7:30 pm. Our TX Roadhouse house gift cards will be delivered as well! Prior to the meeting we will have a covered dish Christmas dinner & $5 gift exchange at 6:30 pm. Please sign up on Facebook for what you are bringing. Our Court Ways & Means committee is again sponsoring a Texas Roadhouse dine-to-donate on Monday, December 19, 2022, from 3-10 pm at the Niles TX Roadhouse. A great chance to use up those gift cards you bought, present the flyer and we will receive 10% of your bill to help us raise needed funds for our Court expenses. We hope to see you there! We will also be sponsoring our very successful drive thru soup kitchen to benefit the Ohio Masonic Home and Youth Scholarship funds: $5 for your choice of soup, crackers, dessert, and water, on Sunday, January 29th from 4-6 pm at the LMC.
A big thank you to everyone who bought Bundtlets and Evergreens and also anyone who donated or participated in any way with our Chili Cook-Off this year!
Upcoming Events:
Dec 3rd – Faith Court OV, Basket Auction, & Grand Court Christmas Party 2 pm, Salem
Dec 11th – Practice for Advance Night 6 pm
Dec 14th – Christmas Covered Dish Dinner & $5 gift exchange 6:30 pm: Advance Night initiation 7:30 pm
Dec 19th – TX Roadhouse Dine-To-Donate night 3-10 pm Niles