Upcoming Events:
Progress Court #22 had a very busy summer. At our August meeting we welcomed members from Job’s Daughters to our annual youth night promotional and we were honored by HL Lynda Dobbins bringing us snacks to celebrate our outstanding Court of the year. We also held our annual family picnic and inspection practice. Thank you to SK Bob Gorman for acting as grill master for the day. We have also traveled to Faith Court’s strawberry festival, Akron Court’s corn roast, and Strauss Memorial’s friendship night. We love to make new friends! And we would love to have you join us! See any member for a petition.
Upcoming Events:
Sep 11th – Wine Trip!
Sep 14th – Covered dish dinner 6:30 pm & Inspection of Officers 7:30 pm
Bundtlet Fundraiser going on now. Order yours for $5 each. See any member to place your order. Money & orders due at the October meeting.