NOVEMBER STATED MEETING   The Veteran’s Day program will feature veteran Kenneth David who was awarded the “Distinguished Service Cross for after being wounded twice in North Viet Nam.  This should prove to be a very interesting evening that you will not want to miss.  Let’s make every effort to bring our ladies with us.  After all, they are much easier on the eyes than who we usually see at our meetings, and they do deserve a night out.   Dinner will again be at 6:30 at a cost of $7.00.    

DUES STATEMENTS FOR 2022 have been mailed.  The statement also gives you the opportunity to contribute to the Valley Endowment Fund, The Ohio Masonic Home, and the Hubert E. White Scholarship Fund.  Dues are currently $95.00.  Your prompt payment is appreciated.  Should you get a statement or email from Supreme Council that your dues are Past Due, please contact the office before making payment.  The dues you are paying now are for 2022 and as far as this office is concerned you are not past due until at least March 1, 2022.

THE 33o/MSA RECPTION will be held on November 20, 2021, to honor W. Bro. Gary L. Shane, MSA, W. Bro. Elmer Foldvary, MSA, and Ill. Brothers Zel E. Bush, Phillip R. Elliott, III, Brian M. Kennedy and Brian S. Williams.  There is a change of program for this year.  There will no longer be a dinner prior to the Ceremony.  The evening will begin at 7:00 PM in the Lodge Room for the ceremony.  Immediately following we will retire to the office area on the first floor for hors d’oeuvres and choice of beverage.  Don’t forget to bring your wife as this is open to all and a nice evening out.