AASR Valley of Youngstown

 THE JANUARY STATED MEETING:  At this time the January Meeting is not a given.  Please check the web site or Facebook, listed below, to see if this meeting will be cancelled.  Please stay well and hopefully this craziness will not last much longer.

DUES STATEMENTS FOR 2021 have been mailed.  Remember that paper dues cards are no longer included with your dues statement.  All members were mailed a permanent plastic dues card from Supreme Council 3 years ago.  Dues are due by December 31, 2020.  Your prompt payment is appreciated. 

2021 SPRING REUNION:  It’s not too soon to start working on petitions for our Spring Reunion.  Again this year a benefactor has made funds available so that any current or retired Police, Fire, or EMTs and any Active Military or Veteran can join the Valley for $50.00.  This reunion is named for Ill. Douglas F. and Gregory B. Anstrom, both 33o.  Friday, April 23rd the 4o, 14o and 19o will be conferred, and Saturday, April 24th the 17o DVD, 18o, 23o DVD and 32o will be conferred.  Friday starts at 7:00 pm and Saturday at 8:30 am.  Depending on COVID, we may or may not have breakfast.  See the March Mahoning Mason for more on this.

 COVID:  As we all know, COVID is wreaking havoc on every aspect of our daily lives, so nothing in here is in stone.  As we move forward if you can check on our Website or Facebook you can hopefully keep up with the changes as they seem to happen on a daily basis. 

BRETHREN:  Please note that the Valley has a calling program in place.  Each month our officers will be calling our members who have a birthday that month just to check up on you, make sure you are receiving mail from the Valley and to see how you are.  Don’t be surprised when that call comes, we just want to know how you are doing.  If you have not received a call from us, please contact the Valley as we probably do not have a current phone number for you.