Eminent Commander: George Edmiston III
Phone: 330-367.7614
Email: gedmisto@gmail.com
Recorder: Perry E. Coxson III
Phone: 330-646-3205
Email: jeepheader@gmail.com
Greeting Sir Knights!
I hope you are all doing well! Please take a moment this month to reach out to a Sir Knight you have not talked to in a while to see how he is doing.
Our stated meeting in October (Friday, October 9th) will be held online or on the phone as a Virtual Meeting since we are still not permitted to meet in person. If you are not sure how to join the meeting online or need the information to call in by phone, please email me at gedmisto@gmail.com or call me at 330-367-7614 to get the information. Please do not wait until the day of the meeting to reach out for the information. The virtual conclave this month will be hosted by our Generalissimo, Sir Knight Richard A. Antill as I will be in a Grand Officers meeting at that time.
As you know, the Grand Conclave will be held at 10 AM Saturday, October 10th. This will be a Virtual Meeting hosted on Zoom. To attend you are required to register online at tiny.cc/ohioconclave2020. Registration is open now and the deadline to register is October 7th (you will not be able to register after that). Please register as soon as possible and plan to attend so our Commandery will be well represented.
This has been an interesting and challenging time for many of our Sir Knights. We would very much like to hear from you. Let us know how you and your family are doing and if there are any updates that can be shared with the Sir Knights of Warren Commandery. Please feel free to email me at gedmisto@gmail.com or call me at 330-367-7614 as I would very much like to hear from you. If you call and I do not answer, please leave a message with your name and phone number and I will call you back as soon as I can. Also, if you provide me an email address I will also email you information as I send it to others.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
George Edmiston, EC