Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ
Worthy High Priestess: Debra Wolff
Phone: (330) 330-626-3015
Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York
Phone: 330-240-5116
Meetings are 4 th Monday of the month, except July & August

Greetings sojourners!  With the outbreak of COVID-19 we have had to cancel many of our activities & meetings.  As of this writing Supreme Shrine is up in the air.  I hope everyone is a member of our Facebook group: and also follows our public FB page: I hope to keep everything posted with up-to-date announcements and happenings.  Currently the plan is to have our elections & annual reports at our May 11th Meeting at 7:30 pm (due to Memorial day – it was automatically moved up). We hope to be able to see everyone at that meeting.

Upcoming Events:
5/11 Stated Meeting: Elections & Reports; lunch = Roxanne & Claudia York