Opal Chapter
WM: Shawn Woods
Phone: 330-544-0855
E-mail: sisw55@zoominternet.net
Secretary: Carla Kahler
Phone: 330-856-2356
E-mail: gonetochapter@embarqmail.com
Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month
Our delicious potluck dinner and full of laughs gift exchange game were a delightful opening of the joyous Christmas season.
Chapter was saddened by the death of 66-year member, Carol Glunt and 69-year member and Past Matron Marjorie Guthrie.
We are looking forward to an enjoyable and productive
New Year with Worthy Matron, Shawn Woods. This year Shawn is honoring birthdays and
giving hospitality gifts. The first
winner was a delighted PM, Dorothy Baldwin. We wish you a blessed 2020 and hope
to see you at 6:30 pm on January 14th for our dinner and meeting.
Star love, Carla