Morning Light #80
Worthy Matron: Heather Wingfield
Phone: 330-219-163

Here it is, my first article as Worthy Matron.  We had an excellent Installation of Officers thanks to a terrific Installing Team:  Installing Matron – Rachel Ann Tupper, Installing Chaplain – Sarah Paxon, Installing Marshal – Sue Schenk, and Installing Organist – Elaine Hammond.  My thanks to everyone who participated.  We have a full corps of officers.  One, because of illness, will be installed later.

As my first “official” duty, I welcome Linda Mahan to Morning Light Chapter and, as any Worthy Matron would do when finding a good worker, put her to work as Electa.  Thank you, Linda for taking that position.  And thank you to ALL who accepted positions in the 2020 corps of Officers.

We will have a good year, a fun year.  There are several activities coming up soon.  First, Nov 4th is our Stated Meeting at 7:30 pm with Dinner at 6:00 pm compliments of Michelle and Chris Martin.  We will be reading the by-laws and Standing Rules as well as recognizing and honoring our Veterans.

Remember, Veterans Day is Monday November 11th and we will be participating in the Veterans Day Parade.  Meet at the Temple at 11:30 am, the Parade starts in Perkins Park

November 14th is a District activity, TNT’s production of “The Mouse Trap” at 7:00 pm.  If you want to attend, see Ruth West for tickets.  They’re $15 each for this performance.

Morning Light Chapter will be wrapping gifts at the Eastwood Mall on Dec 7th from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Dec 8th from 12:00 (noon) to 6:00 pm.  This is our fundraiser to support our Scholarship Program.  Come on out and get your presents wrapped!

Other Important Dates:
Nov 2
– District 2 Meeting at Sunrise Chapter, 10:00 am Line Officer meeting, 11:00 am AOC meeting.
Nov 6 – Sunrise Chapter Open Installation, 7:30 pm.
Nov 19 – Miriam Chapter Open Installation, 7:30 pm.
Nov 30 – Billow Chapter Open Installation, TBA,
Dec 7 – District 2 Meeting at Ravenna Chapter, 10:00 am Line Officer meeting, 11:00 am AOC meeting.

The Worthy Patron and I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.  Hope the turkey isn’t the only thing stuffed that day!

In Star Love
Heather Wingfield
Worthy Matron