Warren DeMolay
Master Counselor: David B
Chapter Adviser: DAD Eugene Miligi
Phone: 330-502-6931
email: warrendemolay@gmail.com
Hello Summer!
As most of you are getting ready to take your Summer breaks, Warren DeMolay is
gearing things up another notch.
A quick May recap is in order, though. Our Master Counselor, David, was honored at the Grand Master’s Reception and was presented with the Grand Master’s Excellence in Youth Award by Most Worshipful Brother Jess N. Raines, Grand Master, Free and Accepted Masons in Ohio. It was quite the honor for him, and The Chapter is very proud of his accomplishment.

We took a trip to play paintball again this year, and this year we were joined by members of the newly formed ‘Templar Chapter’ from Canfield’s Argus Lodge. All of the young men had a great time. A new friend came along also, and we are looking forward to bringing him into the Chapter as a Brother very soon.

The following week we took a trip that started as a trip to Quaker City Drag Strip as guests of Western Star Lodge #21. However, rain canceled the event and so, since we were out, we went bowling, instead. Then on Memorial Day we marched in Boardman’s Memorial Day Parade, again as guests of Western Star Lodge #21. This is the 2nd year that we have participated in this parade and it is an honor to have this opportunity to honor our fallen service members.

So, back onto the Summer events for Warren Chapter, O.D.E.L. Is coming up and as part of that Ohio DeMolay will be, again, posting the colors of the United States and all 50 States at the opening of an Akron Rubber Ducks baseball game. Our guys are really looking forward to this event but, not as much as we are looking forward to Conclave. Conclave, being held in Columbus this July is expected to be extra extraordinary with DeMolay International celebrating its 100th Anniversary this year. As I said before, this IS an exciting time to be a DeMolay and Warren DeMolay is keeping our young men involved in the State, District and Chapter events.
While normally the June edition is the final edition until September (the paper Trestleboard newsletter was not published in July or August) we should be able to post to the new digital edition all summer long! So, watch this space for updates as well as notification on Facebook when new content is published here.
DeMolay is open to young men between the ages of 12 and 21 If you have a young man who is interested in joining DeMolay please contact Chapter Advisor, Dad Eugene Miligi at 330-502-6931 or any other Adviser or Chapter member for an application! Stated meetings are the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 3:00 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple. Senior DeMolay, Master Masons in good standing, and parents & grandparents of active DeMolay, are always welcome to attend!