AASR- Valley of Youngstown
211 East Market Street
PO Box 1420
Warren, OH 44482-1420
Phone: 330-373-0890
Email: aasryooh@neohio.twcbc.com
Web: www.ValleyOfYoungstown.org
Facebook: wwwfacebook.com/ValleyOfYoungstown

A SPECIAL WELCOME to our new members following our Spring Class.  It was our third class in the Warren Temple, and it went much smoother than last year.  If you happen to see any of our new members out and about, congratulate them and welcome them.

THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS took place at our April Stated meeting.  INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS will be held at our May Stated Meeting at the Warren Masonic Temple.  This will be a Ladies night for us so if have enough food.  Dinner will be a 6:30 pm as usual.  The cost of the dinner this evening will be $8.00.

MAY 10TH TOUR OF THE VIENNA AIR BASE is being set up by our Commander in Chief.  This has a very limited number of openings, under 24.  If you are interested, you must contact the office ASAP to get your name on the list.  Phone number and email are listed above.

OHIO COUNCIL OF DELIBERATION will be held this year in Toledo on June 1st  Invitations were mailed on April 3rd  If you believe you are a member of the Ohio Council of Deliberation and did not receive an invitation, please call the Secretary as soon as possible.  Honored there will be S.P. David P. Beaver and S.P. Dennis E. Doing who will be presented with their Meritorious Service Award cap and jewel during a ceremony following dinner.  Council members are urged to attend and share this special time with these deserving Brethren.  The top three officers in each body as of the May Installation of Officers are expected to attend.

          IN FEBRUARY OUR HOSPITALER sent out a post card to every member requesting donations to the Hospitaler Fund.  This fund is used to help members of the Valley who are in financial difficulty.  As of April 4th, the Fund has received donations from 32 Brethren in excess of $3,500.  There were donations from $10 on up to a hundred or more.  Every single donation has made a difference.  With 884 members in our valley your donation, whatever the amount, will make a difference for some member in the future, maybe even YOU.

          THE ANNUAL PICNIC will again be held this year on Thursday, July 18th at Argus Park beginning at 6:30 pm.  Be sure to bring a main dish or dessert to share and come ready to eat and enjoy each other’s company.  Hopefully the cold and snow of this past winter will just be a very, very distant memory by then.  While Scottish Rite is hosting this event please note that all former tenants of the Youngstown Masonic Temple are invited to attend.