Trinity Shrine #42 OWSJ
Worthy High Priestess: Doris Zimmerman
Phone: (330) 847-2284
Worthy Scribe: Roxanne York
Phone: 330-240-5116
Meetings are 4
th Monday of the month, except July & August

You are cordially invited to attend our open installation of officers on Saturday April 13, 2019 at 7:30 pm at the Warren Masonic Temple.  Worthy High Priestess – elect, Debra Wolff & Watchman of Shepherds – elect, Rory Wolff.

Upcoming Events:
Apr 13th 7:30 pm Installation of Officers; Lunch = Debra & Rory Wolff
Apr 22nd Stated Meeting 7:30 pm
May 6th – 9th Supreme Shrine Session in Cedar Rapids, Iowa