AASR -Valley of Youngstown- April 2019

THE APRIL STATED MEETING will be our Annual Election of Officers.  Come out and support your officers. THE HOSPITALER’S REQUEST for help to build up the Hospitaler Fund has seen an increase in donations to this important area of our Valley.  If you have not yet sent in a donation please give it some serious thought.  All of these funds stay in our Valley and are used to help our

Morning Light – April 2019

Worthy Matron: Michelle MartinPhone: 330-240-9707E-mail: mmartin33@neo.rr.comSecretary: Ruth WestPhone: 330-824-2603E-mail: ruthwest@embarqmail.com Greetings Sisters and Brothers, You know what they say, April showers bring May flowers! It also brings about Inspection time, so please support your fellow Sisters and Brothers by attending their Inspections and observe the beautiful Ritual work that will be performed. The Worthy Patron Chris Martin and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter as well! Important