Warren DeMolay
Master Counselor: David B
Chapter Adviser: Dad Eugene Miligi
Phone: 330-502-6931
email: warrendemolay@gmail.com
Happy 100th Anniversary DeMolay!

This month, DeMolays around the world have been celebrating the 100th Anniversary of this outstanding organization for young men and it is an exciting time to be involved.
Most of this past month we have been traveling to Cleveland to play basketball with Brothers from the other Chapters in the 2nd District. The guys had a great time – except for a broken ankle that ended the season for one of our young men that occurred during warm-up for the very first game.
We also hosted Rainbow Girls from West Farmington Assembly #116 during our bowling outing and had a wonderful time visiting with them.
Brother Caleb’s trip to Dayton to compete at the State Ritual Competition for Junior Division – 3rd Preceptor came up just short of earning a spot at Heartland Ritual Competition with a 3rd place finish. Still, for the first attempt at a ritual competition, 3rd in the State is a VERY noble job and we are all proud of this young man as we look to expect great ritual work from him in the future.
April is going to prove to be a busy month for us as we prepare for our Inspection and Installation of Officers that is scheduled for the 28th of April. On the 14th of April – which is Palm Sunday – we will be assisting the AASR Valley of Youngstown with their Feast of the Paschal Lamb celebration at the Warren Temple. It is a very moving ceremony and we are honored to be invited to assist.
DeMolay is open to young men between the ages of 12 and 21 If you have a young man who is interested in joining DeMolay please contact Chapter Advisor, Dad Eugene Miligi at 330-502-6931 or any other Adviser or Chapter member for an application! Stated meetings are the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 3:00 PM at the Warren Temple. Senior DeMolay, Master Masons in good standing, and parents & grandparents of active DeMolay, are always welcome to attend!