Monarch: Lee Hanshaw
Phone: 330-219-2074
Secretary: Sam Marino
Rentals: Allen Briggs
Phone: 330-898-2970
Grotto Hall: 330-372-1383
760 Perkins-Jones Road, Warren, OH 44483
Meetings: 3rd Friday of the month (except Feb. & March)
Greeting Fellow Prophets,
I hope everyone has had a safe winter. We are dark Feb & Mar.
We have some upcoming events to be aware of.
We will still meet in Feb & March, casual dress. I will have refreshments. I would like all prophets’ help as I will be building my calendar for this year, we have a lot planned for this year.
For National Grotto Day a promotional to grow membership Supreme will wave the initiation fee and the 1st year’s dues if the individual is brought in during the month of March. If you know someone from your blue lodge who would like to join grotto let us know soon.
March 16th we will be traveling to Pittsburgh for The National Grotto Day to be part of a Ceremonial promoting new candidates, if you would like to go, please let us know.
May 17th will be the Special Needs picnic plus our stated meeting that evening. Please support the picnic. Bob Johnson will be in charge, he can use help. 330-984-2346
Grotto Hall rental rate fees are: (Per day)
Grotto Member hall rental is $100.00 (per day and must be for you or immediate family).
Non-Grotto Member hall rental is $250.00
Grotto member pavilion is $0.00 (per day)
Non-Grotto Member pavilion is $50.00 (per day)
Please contact Allen Briggs to book a date: 330-898-2970
Reminder: if you still owe dues, please mail them. We still need several prophets correct phone numbers and emails. Please update us with both. Call either myself, Lee Hanshaw 330-219-2074 (Monarch); Sam Marino, 330-718-2847 (Secretary); or Allen Briggs, 330-898-2970 (Treasurer).
Also, the 4th Weds of every month will be a work party at the Grotto approx. 630-7 pm. We are continuously working to improve the hall and grounds. Please help if you can.